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Martin J. London, M.D., Professor in Residence, UCSF Anesthesia

Home Page


Cardiac Anesthesia

Cardiac Surgery


Perfusion CPB

Echo (General)

Echo (TEE)


Practice Parameters

Med Ed: Anatomy

Med Ed: Physiology

Med Ed: Pathology








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Geeky Computer Stuff

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UCSF Main "Portal"

This page is the starting point for searching the huge UCSF "domain". There is a fair amount of info on web publishing (including FREE pages on the UC webserver) as well as some of the multimedia educational efforts being partially supported by the Library (in fact, don't forget to put in a grant of your own to become a multi-media mogul via the Instructional Grants Program!!!). Access to some parts of the domain are restricted to campus internet backbone only.

UCSF Library ("Galen")

Galen II is the huge "Digital" Library interface. You can search for books and journals here and also check out a number of on-line journals.

For literature searching, Medline access is available. However, I prefer the either the simpler PubMed interface or Medline via Biomednet (a free registered service which allows direct download of references into several software packages essential for formatting bibliographies).

For those of you interested in "evidence-based" medicine, campus users have full access to the British Cochrane Library, with its long list of extensive meta-analyses, several of which are of direct relevance to anesthesiologists (regional vs. general for carotid surgery, anesthesia for cesearean section, etc).

SF VAMC Library

Lots of great information, much of it complementary to the Galen II page. Check it out.

Internet Search Engines

Searching the internet gets crazier every day given all the information out there. Seems nutty to have to use search engines to search other search engines, but who said life is logical. The SF VAMC Library page has a nice list of engines. Don't forget to try the commercial "Ask Jeeves" page to try a "plain english" search. A new upstart "All the Web" claims it index over 90% of the web in the coming months!


Home Page | Introduction | Cardiac Anesthesia | Cardiac Surgery | Cardiology | Perfusion CPB | Echo (General) | Echo (TEE) | Monitoring | Practice Parameters | Med Ed: Anatomy | Med Ed: Physiology | Med Ed: Pathology | Thoracic | Vascular | Organizations | Journals | Textbooks | Research | MJL/UCSF Echo Web | Searching for? | Freebies | Geeky Computer Stuff | Get a Life! | References/Bibliography
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